I have heard the story of Jonah and the whale since my early years in Sunday School. There is more to the account as Baruch Maoz demonstrates in his book, A Prophet on the Run
This is a short book which intends to give a brief overview of the book of Jonah. I found the author to be informative and insightful. Each chapter covers a chapter in the book of Jonah and the author includes questions and a prayer at the conclusion of each chapter. As such, these helps make it a wonderful book to be used in a small group setting.
He provides a historical overview of the book which helps the reader to understand the events of that time, the culture and the people.
The lessons which can be learned from the account of Jonah are:
- the mercy of God
- the sovereignty of God
- the impossibility of running from Him
- God loves and desires for all peoples to come to know Him
- the lengths to which God will go for salvation to be known
- the certainty that God will hold people responsible for their decisions and actions
One will surely come to see this important truth in the story of Jonah:
Here is a wonderful basis for hope! Sisters and brothers, in times of crisis and pain, draw near to God. Examine your hearts and your lives. Ask what lesson you are to learn from this trial. Remember, like Jonah, that you are not in the hands of blind fate. You are not victims of coincidence. God rules over all the details and difficulties of your lives. They all serve God’s purpose, and his purposes are always good, worthy and acceptable.
The book is short and solely an overview. If anything, it should whet one’s appetite to further delve into the account of Jonah more fully. The author has an easy and engaging style of writing which makes this a valuable resource for any layperson to use.
*** I received this book via Cross Focused Reviews in exchange for this review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
I am joining with …. Cozy Reading Spot and The Book Review Diva and Booknificent Thurs. .
I keep coming across blog posts that refer to the story of Jonah. I love when that happens. 🙂 I always say it’s God telling me to notice something.
Btw…You can also link up book reviews with Circles of Faith. It would be their Friday Fav post from the first Friday of the month. I don’t know how long the link is open but just an fyi.
Yes–still need to catch up on TWW posts too but wanted to stop in and say hello.
Love you.
Beth – I have been coming across many mentions about Jonah – from a sermon when visiting a church last weekend to a new book I started this weekend. So to review this book was a riot for me as it just fit in with it all. And yes, it is often the way God gets my attention as well.
I checked the linkup but it was already closed. I had linked up a different book though but would have added this one too 🙂
Thanks for stopping here. I always love hearing from you.
Love you friend!
This book sounds awesome!! Thanks for sharing wisdom from it!! xoxo
Nice review, Jonah is one of those stories I always learn something in, and I’ve studied it many times now!
Thanks for sharing on Cozy Reading Spot!
It is amazing how often we can learn something new from an old story. Thank you for hosting the linkup each week. I always find wonderful posts to read there!