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{{Today is Friday!!!  It is the day I link with Lisa Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday. Here is how it works…. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. Lots of women. Everyone writes on the same word. Equals a great time.}}

The word prompt today is …. Small.

It was such a small voice inside of me, “Ask her out for breakfast.”

And yet. it was the biggest task God could have asked me to do. So small yet so difficult.

So time passed. And passed.

But that did not stop Him as He compelled stronger with the passing of days.

Sitting across from her, drinking coffee and eating breakfast, I could not have imagined that it had been four years since I had last seen her. It seemed like yesterday.

Actually, it felt like yesterday. As if no time had passed at all.

But we both knew it had.

The conversation flowed like it always did. Easy. Comfortable. Deep.

We laughed. We cried. We cried a lot. There was a familiarity which brought the ease. The comfort. She knew me. I knew her. And funny how suddenly the small gets smaller. The things which had loomed so large just did not seem to matter anymore.

That is when it hit me – “Faith” – my one word for 2014.

If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, “Be uprooted and planted in the sea, and it will obey you.” (Luke 17:6, NIV).

Small faith obeys.

Small faith accomplishes.

Small faith is all I need.

Today I am joining Lisa Jo with Five Minute Friday and also … Fellowship Fri. and Faith Filled Fri. and Essential Fri. and Heart-Filled Fri. and Fri. Flash Blog and Beauty Observed and Quitting Thurs. and Everyday Jesus .