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{{Today is Friday!!!  It is the day I link with Lisa Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday. Here is how it works…. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. Lots of women. Everyone writes on the same word. Equals a great time.}}

Today the word is … Write.

To write each day scares me. Writing lets others into the recesses of my heart and mind, areas that I prefer to keep to myself. And yet, I started writing my posts for my children. My desire was for them to know their mother in a more intimate way. Writing would leave them a lasting legacy of words.

I saw the word, write, and all that hit me is there is One Who has left me all His thoughts in a written book. He has left me a guide to a spiritual legacy which is greater than any human legacy.

His words matter.

His words have been preserved for all eternity.

His words will live on and on throughout all generations.

That is something that astounds me. There never has been, nor will there ever be, a generation without God’s Word available to them.

And He takes the time to write them on my heart.

“I will put my laws in their minds, and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.” (Hebrews 8:10, NIV).

As I write each day may I share my heart, openly and freely and yes, bravely.

And more so, I pray…

May the words I write be a reflection of the words He has written on my heart.

Today I am joining …. Five Minute Fri. and Fellowship Fri. and Faith Filled Fri. and Essential Fri. and Heart Filled Fri. and Fri. Flash Blog and Beauty Observed .