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I had finished reading Love Idol by Jennifer Dukes Lee a few weeks ago. I thought I was done with it and yet, somehow, I keep coming back to the message the book drives home in a most powerful manner.

Case in point.

I was reading Scripture this morning for the New Testament Lent Challenge. I was minding my business, not intending to focus on idols at all. And up they pop.

Idols are like that. You don’t think any are erected in your life. You remain blind to them. Truly. We become people pleasers, enslaved to our performances. We cover up and live with a false confidence, living in fear our flaws will be found out. Idols are insidious, sneaking in without being noticed until their effects are felt.

But it is in exposing them, facing them, smashing them down that we not only find freedom for ourselves, we find more.

When we do the hard work of removing the idols from our lives and living in the truth that we have a God who loves us deeply, in which something can happen in us and others cannot help but take notice.

Paul, in 1 Thessalonians 1 (MSG), tells us what happens when we let go and embrace God:

  • Our lives have purpose. “It is clear to us, friends, that God not only loves you very much but also has put his hand on you for something special.”
  • We are changed. “Something happened in you.”
  • We come to know what we believe. “The Holy Spirit puts steel in your convictions.”
  • Others look up to you. Other “believers look up to you. The word has gotten around. Your lives are echoing the Master’s Word.”

This removing of idols is bigger than we can even realize. Perhaps that is the very reason they are so hard to uproot. They are stubborn and put up a good fight, unwilling for each of our lives to reach their full potential in and through God.

We need to be brave and do the necessary work. And Paul continues to tell us why:

“People come up and tell us how you received us with open arms, how you deserted the dead idols of your old life so you could embrace and serve God, the true God. They marvel at how you expectantly await the arrival of his Son, whom he raised from the dead – Jesus, who rescued us from certain doom.”

As we embrace and serve God with our lives, people take notice. They notice something bigger than ourselves is at work in our lives. They do not notice us, they see and take note of Him, Jesus.

“We don’t even have to say anything anymore – you’re the message!”

This is why we must fight to to be alive and free in Christ. Our very lives become the message. Our lives will speak in ways our words cannot. And so, just when I thought I could set the book aside, I find it back on my desk and in my hands as I continue to read it again and again. And again, I find myself joining Jennifer in prayer:

Dear God, it’s not easy to peek behind the curtain and face my personal history. It’s not easy to see how I have fallen into traps and temptations. Yet I know that when I get honest with myself, I am also getting honest with You. So I’m trusting You to walk with me. Help me to do battle against the idols that have been strangling my heart. And, Lord, as I think about my past and present mistakes, guard my heart and mind. The enemy would love nothing more than for my journey toward freedom from the Love Idol to stop right now. Help me persevere, through the power of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

(from Love Idol, Jennifer Dukes Lee, page 246)

LoveIdol_FC_Endorsement_101413If you have not yet read Love Idol, I so recommend the book to you. I gain nothing at all. You will gain more than you could imagine as you embrace the truths Jennifer shares. Check out the book and other resources here.

Today I am joining … Thought Provoking Thurs. and Thankful Thurs. and Thurs. Favorite Things and Tell His Story and Thrive at Home Thurs. and Cozy Reading Spot and Quitting Thurs. and Thriving Thurs. .