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Today is Friday.

I usually join in with Lisa Jo and do her Five Minute Friday link up. Except today there is no prompt. No link up. In the few minutes it took for me to figure this out, I also came to realize how much I look forward to this one word prompt each Friday. I have so come to enjoy reading the other posts, for the word often takes each of us in a different direction.

And then I wondered … What was my very first Five Minute Friday post? How long ago did I join in?

Much to my surprise, it has not been that long ago – fifteen months ago, to be exact. I had watched from a distance for some time before deciding to join in. Now I wonder, what took me so long?

As I read my first FMF post this morning, I realized I still have the same prayer for many I know. And so, I am sharing that first post from February 15, 2013 ….

My 1st Five Minute Friday. I decided to take the plunge. Beloved. Yesterday was Valentine’s Day. So easy for me to say, “I am beloved” or “I feel beloved”. I have a husband that loves me deeply. Not that we haven’t worked to get to this point. Lord knows we surely have & worked HARD. But this morning I am thinking of times I did not feel beloved. And that makes me think of those that may not have felt that yesterday. I have some in my life that are alone – single, widowed, divorced. And so this morning, I pray….

Lord, be sure to make them KNOW that they are YOUR beloved. May their focus not be settled on the feeling that there is no one in their life. Come alongside of them & whisper – NO SHOUT – into their hearts & minds that they are beloved by You. Today may they know the depths of Your love for them. May they know that You are with them, before them, behind them & encircling them.

Beloved – greatly loved; dear to the heart. That is what they are to YOU.

“Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders.” (Deuteronomy 33:12, NIV)

I added the verse this morning as I have more than the five minutes 🙂 And I read this verse earlier and loved it! As God’s beloved may you KNOW this morning you:

  • rest secure in Him
  • He will shield you all. day. long.
  • you rest between His shoulders

No better place to be!

Today I am joining with … Essential Fri. and Beauty Observed and Friendship Fri. and Everyday Jesus and Fellowship Friday  .