“Happy Anniversary!”, we exclaimed as we toasted and clinked our glasses during our celebratory dinner. “And here’s to another thirty five, ” I said.
The realization quickly hit us – there probably would not be another thirty five. We have no idea how many days and years we have been given, but thirty five more? Well, it could be possible, but it was truly unlikely.
We ate dinner laughing about our life together. We made it through some difficult challenges, discovering God does make us stronger than we ever imagine. There were some lean years in which we found Him to be the One who provides.
And then there was acknowledging, we had done more than we ever dreamed we would. God had been faithful, providing us with many opportunities to do things and go places and share experiences we had not even thought possible for us.
We had lived our lives so far, with layer upon layer of His goodness.
We had come into the start of this vacation depleted. I was tired and in need of a rest. We both were actually, hubby probably even more so than me. On the plane I read this quote:
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
And it hits me …
What lies within us, Who lies within us, equips us to better deal with what lies before us.
“By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life.”
(2 Peter 1:3)
We have it all, whatever we need to meet the demands of each day. This is the very reason it is so vital for us to make time to rest – to rest our minds, our souls, our bodies.
We must take time to tend to Him, which lies within us, so that He will be better able to tend to us. Our souls need tending to. We must make time to nurture and feed our spirits for they long to graze green pasture and drink of living water.
We need to dig deep and drink long without the demands and pressures of our day depleting us of our small reserves. In so doing, we are better able to look back and deal with the past, gleaning wisdom and obtaining healing. We are then able to focus on the days ahead, anticipating and dreaming of all which God has for us. Neither that which is behind, nor what is before us, will seem as overwhelming or able to overtake us.
How do you tend to your soul each day?
May we be faithful to tend to, nurture and develop that which He has given us. For it is what we will need to live this life each and every day.
Tend to Who lies within us.
It is Who we need most.
Today I am joining … Testimony Tues. and Unite and Playdates With God and Titus 2 Tuesday and Tell Me a Story and Teaching What is Good and Titus 2sday .
Love this post! Tending to our souls is not such a tiny matter, and yet we allow other things to crowd that out. Thanks for the encouragement to seek the One who lies within.
Tending to our souls is the most important thing we can ever do, Holly. And it is so true – other things will crowd the most critical out and make room for the lesser. I am praying to be wiser to tend to my soul.
How much of our online writing has kept us from tending our souls well? Or … how much of our online writing is one facet of that soul care?
Just thinkin’ ….
Linda – what a great question to truly think on! I think it is a fine line between the two. May God give each of us the wisdom to know where that line is drawn. Wonderful point!
Happy Anniversary! I may have said that before but saying again. I’m so glad you and your man were able to get away for some rest. It’s also good to see you again. This is such a good and timely message. I know I’m getting caught up with the many things on my to-do list and allowing it to keep me from quality time with Him and that is where I most tend to my soul. I look forward to the weekends and opportunities to head out for a long walk or bike ride as there is something about time outdoors among His creation that fills me. I’m learning that many things on my list can wait and that I will be better prepared to handle them if I first spend time with Him. Thank you for the encouragement. Much love. xoxo
Beth, it is so easy to get drawn into doing so many other things. And those things may be good & needed when in their proper place in our lives.How wise we are to learn which things can truly wait & tend to the most critical – soul care. And thank you for the anniversary wishes, several times 🙂 Before responding, I prayed for you, for Scott, for your boys! May God bless each of you for your sacrifices!
Oh, yes. we must take time to tend him. Happy anniversary, Joanne. Praying many, many more beautiful memories are made 🙂
Amen to more memories, Laura! Thank you so much!
Hi Joanne! Happy Anniversary!! Such a wonderful occasion to celebrate. We all need those too. I’m so happy that you were able to get away together and shrug off some of the tension and cares of the world.
I love my coffee in the mornings, and early afternoons. It’s a little oasis time for me. And also my prayer time. I am taken to a place of peace in the middle of crazy. I need that!
Many blessings for more wonderful years together!
It is so true, Ceil, that there can be short moments in the course of our days which give us the push & reprieve we so need. An oasis in the middle of our day. Thank you so much for your anniversary wishes too!
Great point Joanne! It truly is no tiny matter, that which is in our souls. My whole last year has been about tending this soul after much pouring out. Even though, trials ensued heavily. I am utterly thankful for the time and hope that I’ll always be willing to lay it down, whatever it is, if He asks me. Blessings!
Praying that He would deposit into you exactly what you need in the days ahead! Thank you for sharing here with me.
Happy Anniversary, Joanne! I missed visiting you recently and was so blessed to stop by today. I love your words about taking time for rest but more importantly tending to Him who provides all we need. This tiny matter should be a big matter that consumes us because God never once stops thinking of us and tending to our every need. I hope your rest and time with your husband filled those spaces with peace and a renewed spirit. Blessings my friend!
Thank you, Mary. Tending to our souls is truly no tiny matter yet one we so often neglect. I know I am learning the importance of “rest” which can even be found in small increments during our week. Our vacation provided much relaxation & laughter together.It is always wonderful to have you visit here! Blessings!
Lovely! And Happy Anniversary to you both. I think I have told you we will celebrate our 35th next month. We didn’t have anything special planned but will now be back overseas in Tallinn, Estonia for eight weeks so hopefully we can do something memorable there. Thirty five years is a long time!!! You have captured the beauty of a lifetime together. the ups, downs and all-arounds 🙂 Blessings to you, dear friend. ♥
Yes, you have shared that your 35th anniversary is soon coming. And I must share while I know in my head 35 years is a long time, it has gone by like a flash! It is incredible. Funny thing is, I would do the years all over again. Every last part of it was so worth it! Praying for you that God would provide a memorable day for you in Estonia. Blessings to you, Nannette!
Happy Anniversary and yes we do need to reflect on what the future might hold – but we know the one who holds our future! Thank you for sharing your awesome post with us here at “Tell Me a Story.†At: http://letmetelluastory.blogspot.com/