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Lately I am discovering how much I need quiet, to just still myself before Him …

In quietness we come, Father, asking for the sweet communion of heaven. Direct us on how to remove the noise from our lives so that we might more readily hear from you. Thank you for quiet reflection and for bending low to speak your words of grace and love into our hearts. You are our rest. You are our salvation. You are our strength. As we are faithful to remove ourselves from distractions, continue in your faithfulness to reveal yourself to our needy hearts. Humbly we move to a place of silence to receive from you. Amen.

(from Beyond the Scars by F. Elaine Olsen, page 105)

“This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel says:”In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.”  (Isaiah 30:15)

Today I am joining … Give Me Grace and Spiritual Sundays and Sunday Stillness and Still Saturday and Scripture & a Snapshot .