I love when I open the page ofĆĀ my devotional, no matter how many days have passed from the last time I read, and the reading is appropriate for that very day. The topic this morning was ….
Being cheerful.
It’s the easiest way for us to be when everything is coming up roses. When life is going the way WE would like. When we have everything we want. And none of what don’t.
It’s easy to be cheerful when life is perfect.
Let’s prick the balloon at this point as here is what I just fully and completely came to realize ….
Life will never be perfect. I know I am slow on the uptake. It took “Miss Happy” fifty seven years to come to this conclusion.
I have honestly found this last week to be depressing. There I said it. Not that I am depressed but I certainly have found myself to be less joyful. And then I read ….
Your heart and mind are intricately connected.
(from Jesus Lives by Sarah Young, page 80)
Here’s the point …. Intricately (according to dictionary.com) —>
- having interrelated parts or facets; entangled or involved;
- complex; complicated; hard to understand, work or make.
Our hearts and minds are so intricately connected which makes it totally perplexing and hard to understand the way they affect one another. But take it to the bank – they. surely. do!
“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.” (Proverbs 17:22, NLT)
Being cheerful does not mean we take on the proverbial, “fake it to make it”. It means we put our trust in Who our God says He is and what He says He can do. We nip the downward spiral before we hit bottom. It means we do not let the negative thoughts take us farther away from the truths which God promises in His Word.
We ask Him to restore joy back into our hearts as we trust Him to ….
- to bring job opportunities
- to help us pass tests
- to not get discouraged under demanding or unreasonable bosses
- to give us the energy to deal with teething toddlers
- to bring our dreams to fruition – mine and each one of yours
- to provide a way out of situations where we feel stuck
- to show us how to do “ministry” (youth and otherwise)
- and yes, to relieve back pain
- to bring healing to hurting hearts
- to take care of the needs of the world around us
The truth is, while our circumstances may not change today, today is all we have and we will never live today again. So we might as well live it cheerfully. And honor Him. And bring Him glory. And trust Him.
Because if I am reading it correctly –
A cheerful heart is good medicine.
May we take a good dose today.
**This post is not negating the illness of depression nor the need for medication. It is addressing the occasional feeling of depression which everyone feels at times in life.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Sxv-sUYtM?rel=0&w=560&h=315]
Today I am joining … Thought Provoking Thurs. and Tell His Story and Quitting Thurs. and Thurs. Favorite Things and Thrive at Home .
Joanne, I have also felt “down” this week. Thanks for sharing. I wrote a blog post yesterday about spreading kindness, mostly in response to the negativity and discouragement going on around me. Check it out if you’d like some ideas.
May you spread the kindness & in so doing, may your spirit lift! Grateful you shared!
It must be going around this week, because I’ve noticed that I’ve been sleepier and had less energy than last week…usually means that I’m feeling down about stuff too. Thanks for the reminder, Joanne, that we choose joy in Him regardless of what’s going on around us.
Holly, prayed for you today when I first read this. Praying God lifts your spirits & fills you with His joy!
I love how you explained that cheerfulness is based in trusting God- so true! Such a great reminder to take stock of how I am doing in this area when I’m not feeling as cheerful as I should be and reigning in all the less than God-honoring thoughts. God definitely wants all of us, all of the time š Thanks for linking up with God’s Girl!
-S.L. Payne, uncommongrace.net
I like that you added we must “reign in all less that God honoring thoughts.” So very true!
Thanks for lifting us up with this post! And thanks for sharing that fun song. So glad I stopped by from the blog link up. Blessings!
Glad you stopped here, Renee. My hopes was that the song would make others smile. Blessings!
As I have gotten older and hopefully wiser. I have come to realize that cheerfulness and happines sin the Lord so depends on trusting Him. I find that when my trust and faith dwindles, my days seem so off and sometimes depressing. By the way, love Pharrell’s song. Every time I hear I have to smile. Can’t help it.
Maria, grateful the song brought you a smile. May we trust Him all of our days & be filled with His joy! Blessings!
This is such truth. I think my life motto of sorts is “it’s all in the choice”.
I suffered 20 years with clinical depression before I was miraculously healed by God. And since then – 17 years ago – I have come to learn… choice really plays a huge part. Like you, I don’t diminish it … I lived it… I’m just agreeing we can choose.
Heather, I am so grateful our God brought you healing & set you free. May you continue to walk in both freedom & joy all the rest of your days! Blessings!
I’m with you on being slow on the uptake on this one. I was 40ish when I realized just how much God values cheerfulness. (Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus…) Oh how I with I had understood this earlier, before 40 years of ingrained freedom to complain. Cheerfulness is better all around. No surprise there, I suppose, but it’s God’s way. Thanks for reminder.
I was thinking about the praying without ceasing while reading a book recently. My mind was racing with to do lists, “stuff to worry about,” should haves, and everyday thoughts. I actually took a few minutes and wrote down everything in my head- most of it was negative or unimportant. Then I thought, what if those thoughts were replaced by worship, prayer, reminders of the goodness of God, etc and how it truly would be unceasing. I’ve been trying to be more conscious of my thought life since then.
So true, Jen, much of which can occupy and/or overtake our thought lives can be unimportant. Maybe this is the secret – – evaluating whether or not a thought is important. If not, don’t dwell on it & move onto those which are where God would have us to focus.
Natalie, you make such a good point in that complaining can become ingrained. May this be the day of cheerfulness being ingrained instead š
Joanne, hi! I’ve seen your name over on the Love Idol Launch Team FB page but never ‘visited’ your space. (Today I clicked on over via the TPT link up).
Anyway, I’ll have to say an ‘amen’ to your post–our attitude and outlook, REGARDLESS OF FEELINGS OR CIRCUMSTANCES is truthfully changed by keeping our eyes on Jesus and his goodness and faithfulness, no matter what.
We have close friends going through horrendous circumstances this week (and a few challenges of our own) but that doesn’t negate the power and sovereignty and ‘I’ve got a plan’ voice of God.
Great post.
Jody, how exciting to make connection so I thank you for stopping here! Maintaining our focus is the challenge that seems to ever be before us. Just today I wrote someone, “Don’t you just love it when God shows up & shows that He truly does have it all under control?” for God had shown up in an unexpected way. Jody, praying for your friends (and for you) that God would show up in those circumstances and display Himself. Blessings!
I watched my husband choose joy during a 15 month long illness that came close to taking him home to heaven. When I would ask him about it he’d say, “If I wait until I’m well to be happy, I may never be happy again.” I can’t tell you how many people he inspired with that attitude. Praise God! He continues to inspire me today. Yesterday we celebrated 2500 bonus days.
Oh my gosh, Deb, I love your husband’s response! I am sure he not only inspired you but many others. His comment surely inspired me today. And look at all the bonus days God has given you to share with him! God is so faithful and merciful. I am so glad you shared this today! Blessings!
A good dose of medicine for my soul today Joanne. I’ve been going through a bout of the dumps lately. So I can really appreciate this today.
Wanda, so many this week had a bout of the dumps. I am so glad you found some encouragement here today. May God restore His joy to your soul! Praying for you!