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I went to church as so many of us did yesterday. As I readied for my day today, my thoughts weaved back over the service as I asked myself, “What was my takeaway yesterday?”

It’s a small, traditional church we are attending these days. There is a comfort my soul receives each week from the beautiful blend of the old and new.

Every once in a while, the pastor asks for prayer requests. He walks around, paper and pen in hand, jotting down each request as people explain their need. I have admired the way in which he asks questions, takes down dates and names, every action displays his seriousness about prayer and concern for each person.

Yesterday’s requests went from birthdays and pets to surgeries, job searches, cancer and the current situation of persecution and death facing those in Iraq. He prayed for each one, specifically, bringing dignity to each request as he brought them before our God.

“Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you.” (Psalm 55:22, NIV)

Back to my takeaway….

Big or small, happy or sad, serious or frivolous … all of it, we can bring before our God. All of it. It all matters.

Our God invites us to bring all that is on our hearts to Him. He is the One, the Only One, big enough to hear and handle and intervene and change and direct. He is the One, the Only One who sees it all. Nothing escapes Him. He is the One, the Only One who hears every word we utter to Him. And He is moved with all that moves us.

“Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7, NIV)

I spent time this morning praying about what is heavy on my heart. I gave it to Him, relying on the promise He will not only take care of me but of those I brought before Him.

I can bring it ALL to Him. Why?

Because He cares for me.

And He cares for you too!

Bring it ALL to Him.


Today I am joining … Motivation Mon., Sharing His Beauty , Mon. Musings, Inspire Me Mon., Making Your Home Sing , Unforced Rhythms and Kate Bouchillon’s encouragement linkup too 🙂