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UBB-BesideBethesdabyJoniEarecksonTada Beside Bethesda is a 31 day devotional book which focuses on deeper healing. Its author, Joni Eareckson Tada, has been a quadriplegic for forty seven years since a diving accident as a teenager. Suffering, pain, and unanswered prayers are no strangers to Joni.

In this short book, each entry uses the healing of the invalid at the pool of Bethesda as it backdrop to topics dealing with suffering, wrestling with God, questions, doubts, and finding hope in God. Each day includes a devotional, Scripture, and Going Deeper meant to get the reader to grow in their relationship with God.

This book is written with authenticity and transparency into Joni’s struggles through the years. She brings the reader to the understanding that while the Lord cares about our disappointments and pain, He never promised to remove all the hardships we face. She states, “No, there will be times when He allows them, purposes them, permits them, and even ordains them for our good.” Joni gently leads her readers to the realization that God’s highest priority remains the healing of our sin-damaged souls over our physical healing.

This is a beautiful and meaningful devotional not only for those suffering with their physicality but also for those who experience brokenness through painful situations. No matter what the reader is going through, this is a book sure to bring comfort, hope and healing.

**Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


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