It was a beautiful fall morning and it was also Teacher Preparation Day which meant I had both of my granddaughters for the day while their parents worked. Gone are the days where she came early in the morning and we had all day to play. My days were now dedicated to Jocelyn, still a toddler. Having them both was a special treat as my older granddaughter is now in school full time as a first grader.
We headed outside to play in the yard, which had always been our routine. But playing outside was anything but routine, as there was never a way to know where imaginations would take us.
This day we gathered small stones as we listened to the sounds as we dropped them down the storm drain in the driveway.
We picked up sticks, pretending to be pirates and skewered leaves, listening to the varied sounds leaves would make as they were pierced.
We followed bugs, correction – insects as my first grader now calls them, to see where their homes would be located. I watched as Sophia, quick and light on her feet, chased a butterfly like insect all over the yard and would cup it in her hands successfully.
In those few hours outdoors, my heart was filled with wonder anew. In looking through the eyes of my granddaughters, I realized there was much to be fascinated with in life outdoors.
And I was reminded of the book on my desk, Playdates with God: Having a Childlike Faith in a Grownup World
by Laura J. Boggess.
This is more than a book. This is a challenge to see God with eyes wide opened in the midst of the ordinary. Each page beckons the reader to a childlike faith, simply believing that He is there in the midst of our every day to delight us and show us a little more of Himself.
Laura takes us on her journey – the journey which says we are all created for more. She causes us to examine the hunger inside of each of us which points us back to the Only One who can fill every longing. She reminds us all there is One who always sees us. In fact, He never takes His eyes off of us.
Playdates with God will cause us to take time – time to be with our Maker, to not be so busy and crowd Him out. We will find ourselves reminded that in spending time with Him, we find who we are in the eyes of our God. We find who He created us to be.
This book was a sheer delight to read as each page awakened my desire to come to Jesus like a little child, knowing and believing this was the only way to renewed wonder of my Lord. This is a book I will read again and again so as to keep my eyes opened to the wonder that is our Lord.
You can order the book from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and CBD . Also be sure to visit Laura at her website. You will be so glad you did!
** I was given a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. You will love this book as much I have!
I am joining … Booknificent Thurs. and Just Finished Reading .
What a wonderful review! I struggle with being brief sometimes, and I love the way you have said it so well, without rambling (my personal default! )! Well done@!
Dawn, you have no idea how much your comment meant to me as I struggle with being too brief at times. I long for the gift of rambling 🙂 Grateful you stopped by! Oh & get the book. You will LOVE it!
I have it! Am reading and on the Launch Team. Laura is doing a guest post next week! (14th) Be sure and stop by- I am sure it would bless her! And I know you will be blessed by whatever she shares. Can you say eagerly anticipating? lol
Dawn, I am so sorry. I don’t know how I missed that you were on the launch. How exciting for you to have Laura guest post.I will definitely stop by. And I would be eagerly anticipating as well. Blessings!
That’s ok, no need to apologize…;) she will be by on the 14th! 😉 Thanks, Joanne. Hard to keep track of all- so much going on, truly!
Thank you, Joanne. It means so much to see my book influence the way others look at their world. Your words bless me.
Laura, it was my joy to share about the book. I truly have loved every single word!
I am grateful you reviews this book. I follow Laura on her blog and have been thinking that I wanted to get this book. Now I shall!! Thanks, ~ linda
Linda, you will surely love this book! My copy is so marked up & written in 🙂 I am sure to read this one over & over. Enjoy!
I love how you tied your time with the little ones together with this book review. Beautiful transition! Thanks for sharing this at’s Booknificent Thursday! Always enjoy your contributions!
Tina, glad you enjoyed the review. It was a wonderful book which I not only enjoyed reading but it was my joy to review and share.