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Most Fridays, I join Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. Lots of women. All of us writing on that same word.

Today the word prompt is … Here.

There are times in life, I find myself asking the question, “How did I end up here?”

“Here”, as defined by, >> “in this place, this spot, this location; at this juncture.”

Most times, when I ask the question, I find myself in a place or situation which is unwanted, unavoidable, or not by choice.

Jacob knew what that was like as he ran from his brother Esau. Those years he lived avoiding paths with Esau had to be difficult and full of inner turmoil.

One night, Jacob sets up camp to sleep and has a dream in which God reveals His plan for Jacob’s life. Scripture tells us:

“Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I wasn’t even aware of it!” (Genesis 28:16, NLT)

The location had not changed for Jacob. He was still “here”. But something had changed in the here and now.

Here for us can be ….

  • where people are challenging
  • where the job opportunity was not what you thought it would be
  • where the relationship did not work out
  • where nothing seems to make sense
  • where you don’t want to live but must
  • where you journey although you’d rather not
  • where tomorrow is unsure

Once God showed up in that place, here, Jacob found renewed faith to believe the Lord’s words. His response was gratitude and worship.

“He said, “What an awesome place this is!” (Genesis 28:17, NLT)

Here is where we discover God anew. Here is where He shows Himself to us – His might. His love. His peace. His grace. His mercy. His forgiveness. His healing.

Here becomes an awesome place when we become aware that God is there with us.


Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith Filled Friday and Blessing Counters .