We can see it all around us every day. It is an attitude of thinking everything is guaranteed. But is it? Life demands hard things and hard work which then results in success. But we must do these hard things the right way – God’s way.
In his book, The Entitlement Cure, Dr. John Townsend seeks to help us expose the attitude in ourselves so that our lives fulfill their intended purposes, God’s purposes.
He defines entitlement as, “The belief that I am exempt from responsibility and I am owed special treatment” (page 19). This attitude is universal and insidious and if we do not guard ourselves, we will fall prey to it.
Dr. Townsend points out several common scenarios in which it is easily recognized. It is seen in :
- the one who is able to take care of themselves but expects others to take care of them
- the one who performs poorly on their job but expects to receive raving job reviews, pay raises and promotions
- the one who sees everything wrong in their marriage and knows it is the fault of their spouse
- the customer who expects to be taken care of immediately because their time is more valuable than others
Entitled individuals are not easy to be spend time with as they put their loads on those around them. And if we’re honest, others cannot carry any load but their own.
So what are we to do?
Dr. Townsend points us to The Hard Way, which is the only way to find success, and that way is God’s way. It is:
The habit of doing what is best, rather than what is comfortable, to achieve a worthwhile outcome.
Following God’s ways may be difficult for a while but they yield the desired outcome …
“In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:6, NIV, 1984)
This book was gentle yet firm, helping me to see areas where this attitude had crept in. Dr. Townsend has written this book in such a way that he has made a difficult topic feel like a personal conversation, or better yet, a counseling session with him.
This is truly a must read for any of us. It is only as we all fight against this attitude that we will make our world a better and more productive place for us all.
*** This book was provided to me in exchange for my honest review, which it was my delight to offer.
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Your book reviews are always so fun to read!
Thanks so much, Michele, as that means a lot to me!
Yes. I’ve recognized this entitlement mentality in our culture today. Perhaps I’ve mistakenly attributed it to “Appalachian mindset.” It seems like so many in our region expect a check from the government, despite being able-bodied. This sounds like an interesting book, Joanne. Maybe it will help me learn how better to deal with this.
Laura, it was a very thought provoking book. It even prompted some introspection so as to identify where “entitlement” has crept into my own thinking. It was a timely book.