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I am not sure the word “Brave” is one which would ever be applied to me. Truth be known … I scare easily and am a little scared – all the time.

Getting out of my comfort zone does not come easily. Not ever. And it probably would not take much to convince me to live in a bunker {{just kidding, lest my kids think I’m serious}}.

But here’s the thing – I don’t want to live in this manner. I want to have courage and move through my days bravely.

“Here’s a not-so-hidden secret: We are all a little scared.” (Nicole Unice)

These words bring the largest sigh of relief. A freedom, which permits me to relax in my lack of bravery, fills me as I let these words settle in my soul.

There is no need to struggle and strive, trying to do more, be more, and change into someone I am not.

41-Anhhlg4L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_In her book book, Brave Enough, Nicole Unice explains:

“The courage to change doesn’t have to mean cliff-diving out of your comfort zone. This courage is about being brave enough – for yourself, for God, and for your calling – right where you are. A brave-enough life is one lived fully and confidently, free from the weight of worry and the burden of trying too hard.”

Brave Enough is a call to become brave by fully embracing who God has created each of us to be. She challenges us to be courageous to journey with God on the unique path He has set for each of us.

“Grace teaches us that Christ, who is in us, is stronger than our deficiencies, and together with him, we will prevail. True grace means we are not who we once were, and will continue to be different tomorrow.” (page 73)

Grace, it is extended to us each and every day. God’s grace, poured out on our lives, will have an impact. God’s grace changes us. God’s grace breaks us out from those thoughts and habits which would hinder us. It is His grace which makes us brave.

Fear keeps us stuck; grace whispers freedom.
Fear makes us suspicious; grace makes us generous.
Fear shouts doubt; grace sings peace.
Fear murmurs, Look out for yourself; grace whispers, You are not alone.
Fear shouts, You’ll never make it; grace replies, You already have.
Fear screams, God is against you; grace laughs because love always wins.”
(page 75)

“By the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect.”
(1 Corinthians 15:10)

His grace will change you.
It will make you Brave Enough.


This is a book of learned and gained wisdom, stories, and practical helps which will infuse women with courage to live in such a way to impact others. Brave Enough will help every reader to realize they are, indeed, brave enough.


***Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I am disclosing this as required by Federal Trade Commission.


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