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The “C” word. Not the word, Christmas.

But the word – Cancer.

It is the word no one wants to hear when they sit across from a doctor as he is giving their diagnosis. Cancer has no friends. It does not play favorites, striking wherever and whomever it may.

When it strikes, one is immediately thrown into a journey which is difficult, emotional, lonely, and long. You become educated in ways you never dreamed.

Hospitals, oncologists, ports, blood draws, chemotherapy, carboplatin, gemcitabine, CA125, and Neulasta become words all too familiar to your vocabulary.

I am not sure exactly when I became aware of blogger, Kara Tippetts. She instantly drew me in with her transparency. She shared so openly of her struggle with cancer and chemo. She was gut wrenchingly honest as she shared her doubts, her questions, her worries about her family. The one area she never wavered was in her faith in God.

She held onto Him with a tenacity, constantly pointing me to Him, without having ever met face to face.

It would be to her words that I would return, time and time again, to read in my darkest hours. For I knew, I would find renewed hope in and through our God, as I read each post. She kept me company when I sat through the night alongside my family member, even though she never knew me.

Often I would read her posts aloud to family as we sat together with our tears rolling. By the end of the post, our hearts were strengthened and encouraged and hopeful.

Kara went home to Jesus on March 22, 2015, after a long battle with breast cancer. But her legacy lives on.

Some of you may have already heard the news: Kara’s brother, Dennis, is pouring his heart and soul into creating a foundation in Kara’s honor to help others live life to its fullest as they journey Stage IV cancer. So many are burdened by the financial strain of medical expenses. The foundation is looking to raise money to help and bless others traveling this difficult road. Let’s be a reminder of grace in their hard.

When I heard of the foundation, it struck me of the love and compassion this family has for Kara. They are wanting her legacy to bless others who are now on this same undesired journey. Hear for yourself their heart in starting this foundation  –


So many of us were blessed by Kara’s blog posts, her books, and by her life. So today I am stepping out of my comfort zone with a bold request. Won’t you consider giving today to the foundation? Know that your donation is tax deductible. Let’s help those people with stage four cancer who are having a hard holiday season. If we all give, whether small (even $1.) or big, it will add up and make a difference for a family this Christmas.

12227159_10207938435489296_7697558756036116401_nYou can give here.

Thank you!

“Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.” (Luke 1: 78-79, NLT)


Today I am joining … #SmallWonder and Inspire Me Monday .