Life can change on the dime. The world holds many uncertainties as do local events. We never know what a 24 hour segment of time can bring about in our sphere of influence.
Yesterday I was reminded of the last recorded words of Moses. Forty years he led a grumbling group of people through a wilderness in the hopes of settling in the Promiseland.
He had put up with much from this group, handling their complaints and arguments with each other. Driven to one heated moment, he loses his privilege of entering the land himself. God grants him the opportunity to see it from afar but this leader never gets to enjoy the point of the journey.
Yet in his last words to the people, he does not lodge his grievances against them nor vent his frustrations.
He speaks blessing over them. Then he delivers this powerful reminder of God:
“There is no one like the God of Israel.
He rides across the heavens to help you, across the skies in majestic splendor.
The eternal God is your refuge, and his everlasting arms are under you.”
(Deuteronomy 33: 26-27, NLT)
Moses knew his God. And in those final moments with the people, he chose to make sure they knew as well.
No matter what any of us may face or be facing today, may we remember our God is with us. He is over us, ready to ride across the heavens to come to our help. In those moments when we feel we cannot go on, He is under us to hold us up.
And those arms? They are everlasting arms. There will never be a day where He is not there to bolster you up from underneath. Today may you remember:
There is no one like the God of Israel.
And He is your God as well.
Today I am joining with … Thought Provoking Thursday .
Beautiful words of comfort about a God who will bend over backwards to arrive and meet our need. Thanks for taking me there to hear Moses this morning, Joanne.
Sometimes we can so easily miss the lengths to which our God will go to help us. So grateful for Moses!
Thanks for the powerful reminder, Joanne. There is no day that it ever gets old or routine to hear biblical truths that remind us of how much every moment and circumstance can count and that some of them are not reversible.
Blessings on your week!
Never noticed the Rides across the Heavens!! That’s our God! Thanks for the visual today, Joanne.
Yes, He surrounds us from all sides. Every day. Amazing to think on. Blessings to you, Nannette! xo