School days bring such critical moments of growth in our children. And in us as parents and grandparents too. We need such wisdom in knowing when to push our children and when to lay back.
Spelling Bees.
Remember those?
I had not thought about them in years until … Sophia announced she was going to participate in this school event.
As the days began to draw closer, the nervousness set in and she began to share her concerns:
- “It’s for grades 1st through 6th.”
- “I’m not a good speller.”
- “I will have to stand up in front of everyone.”
These seemed to be valid reasons, in her mind, to change her decisions. But we all encouraged her to give it a try. And she did!
She came home on Friday to tell me she had not won. However, she made it through four out of the six rounds. Quite an achievement for a first time participant, who had been up against older children. Her eyes lit up as I responded, “It’s OK that you did not win the spelling bee. The most important part of all of this is that you were brave.”
Brave – “possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance” as per It’s the ability to display confidence and endurance when we do not know, or are not sure of, the outcome.
I have been thinking about this all weekend. Perhaps it is only as we face challenges, one at a time, that we develop courage. I might dare say, it is in the losing that we realize courage grew in the fertile soil of our hearts.
And so today I pray … Dear Lord, thank you for these opportunities for growth which you provide not only for my grandchildren, but for us all. Help my grandchildren to be confident that you are the One who is beside them as they face challenges. May they know their help comes from You. May they not to grow weary or give up when they have not “won” but instead realize You delight in them even so. May every milestone bring growth of character and a desire to bring glory to You. Amen.
Today I am joining … Inspire Me Monday and Sharing His Beauty .
Great post, Joanne. Such a great example of courage. May God give us all more courage! Thank you. Blessings to you and yours!
Thank you, Mari-Anna. Praying for more courage for us both.
What a beautiful granddaughter! Our grandchildren are great at teaching us important lessons, aren’t they?
They sure are!