“Love suffers long and is kind ….. ” (1 Corinthians 13:4)
The fountains from which love flows are in God, not in us. It is absurd to think that the love of God is naturally in our our hearts, as a result of our own nature. His love is there only because it “has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit …” (Romans 5:5).
The evidence of our love for Him is the absolute spontaneity of our love, which flows naturally from His nature within us. And when we look back, we will not be able to determine why we did certain things, but we can know that we did them according to the spontaneous nature of His love in us. The life of God exhibits itself in this spontaneous way because the fountains of His love are in the Holy Spirit.
(from My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers)
Today I am joining … Give Me Grace and Spiritual Sundays and Word of God Speak and Scripture & A Snapshot .
Oh so true! Beautiful capture 🙂
I often pray for God to fill my heart with more love. God is Love 🙂 I hope you can stop by:
Beautiful graphic! You can’t go wrong with Oswald Chambers-such wisdom. Praying for you as you begin a new week. Blessings!
He truly had so much wisdom, Mary. I never stop gleaning from My Utmost. Have a blessed Sunday!
Kindness from God even when we are suffering, yes I pray for that. Your picture is lovely. I’d like to step off into it.
We so forget that all God does in our lives is ultimately for our good. May you have a blessed Sunday!
This was gorgeous!! Made me smile to see it all. Thank you much!
How often I ask God that His love will flow to me and through me!
It’s true, Elizabeth. May we be conduits. Each & every day. Blessings!