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The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer. (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.)

In reading the quote, I think back on the last few weeks of a Bible Study which has been encouraging me to love more like Jesus. As the quote and the Bible study intersected, a kiss which has echoed down through the centuries came to mind – the kiss which Judas bestowed on Jesus.

Judas, a disciple of Jesus. He had spent time with Jesus, probably daily, for the three years of Jesus’ earthly ministry. He had witnessed miracles, shared meals, and walked dusty roads in the company of Christ.

His kiss was a sign of a betrayal for Judas loved money and power, in that moment, more than he loved Jesus.

But another kiss also came to mind …

Jesus was having dinner with a Pharisee, when an immoral woman walked in. She brought with her a jar made of alabaster – a marble like substance, usually white, yellow or red in color. Alabaster was expensive and used in those days, to make containers for costly perfumes.

This woman, knelt at the feet of Jesus with tears streaming and began to wipe His feet with her very own hair. Unashamed and humbled, she kissed his feet and poured the perfume over them, the aroma filling the room.

The Pharisee who saw this was filled with critical thoughts of both Jesus and the woman. Amazing to me is that he did not speak them aloud and yet Jesus knew, and addressing his thoughts said:

“I tell you, her sins – and they are many – have been forgiven, so she has shown me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love.” (Luke 7:47, NLT)

This woman loved Jesus deeply because she was a forgiven woman. It was not her love for Jesus which caused Him to forgive her. She was already loved and forgiven.

This woman, labeled as immoral, knew the depths to which she had been forgiven and that very forgiveness, prompted her to love Jesus unashamedly.

Two kisses.
Each one echoing for all time.


Today I am joining … Thought Provoking Thursday and Coffee for Your Heart and Grace Moments .