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It’s Friday!!! I’m joining Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. Many of us writing on that same word.

Today’s prompt is … Haven.

I quickly looked for the definition … “a harbor or port; any place of shelter or safety”.

As I read the definition, a smile came across my face as I remembered the cruise.

A week away at sea, stopping at several ports, is our idea of rest and relaxation. We don’t get to do it often, but the times we have were wonderful.

There was the one time, we went to breakfast and sat listening to conversations all around us. Everyone was talking of the turbulence, the rocking of the ship, the nausea they experienced, and the trips to the toilet. We sat looking at each other as we had no idea – like NONE – of what they were all discussing.

Our waiter stopped by our table to ask us how we were and so we asked, “What is everyone talking about?”

He shared of the rough waters which were experienced overnight. He was dumbstruck at how we had slept through it all.

As I think back on it this morning, the definition comes back to me … any place of shelter or safety. Any place at all.

“He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves.
What a blessing was that stillness as he brought them safely into harbor!
Let them praise the Lord for his great love and for the wonderful things he has done for them.”
(Psalm 107: 29-31, NLT)

The Lord God has surely been a haven many times in my life. During the times of stress or difficulties or wounding or illness, He was there to keep me. There may have been hard experiences, but He brought me through them all. In looking back over those days, I only see His protection, His grace, and His mercy. He has been a haven, my haven, my place of shelter and safety.

And He has been faithful!


Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith Filled Friday and Grace & Truth and Dance With Jesus and Fresh Market Friday .