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Friday means looking at the word prompt and joining Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. Many of us writing on that same word.

Today’s prompt is … Five.

In seeing the word ‘five’ before me, five loaves immediately come to mind.

Opening to Matthew 14, the account is before me in verse 13 – 21.

Jesus upon seeing the crowd, sees their needs and is moved with compassion. He takes the time to be with the people, healing the sick, ministering to their souls.

bread-595436_640Later that evening, the disciples see their immediate need – they need food. The disciples also only see their immediate inventory of five loaves of bread and two fish, hardly enough to feed the large crowd.

Jesus takes the five loaves and two fish, looks up to heaven and blessed the provision.

Did the crowd remember how God had provided for His people in the wilderness, taking care that they were fed each day? Did they remember that with God there is always enough?

fiveJesus then broke the loaves into pieces, giving it to the disciples to distribute to all the people.

Did the disciples look at the bread in their hands and wonder how it never ended? No matter how much they gave out to the people, there continued to be more. Enough.

Scripture tells us, the people ate as much as they wanted and there was still leftovers. All were fed that day. All the men. All the women. And all the children. All fed till they were full.

This morning I am reminded that the provision of God will always satisfy.

Five loaves were enough.
More than enough.

He will always be enough.



Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith Filled Friday and Grace & Truth and Faith ‘N Friends and #FreshMarketFriday .