The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is … Control. You can click at the bottom of this post to get to Kate Motaung’s site and read all that has been shared on this word.
Control. The ability to have restraint over or dominate a circumstance or person. To be able to be in command at all times and over all things.
The word prompt is a word so suited for my thoughts as all week I have been meditating on the truth that I hold very little control over the circumstances in life …
- the outcome of medical diagnoses and treatment plans,
- a toddler’s will,
- the weather,
- the choices of my now adult children,
- the mood of another person, or
- the TV remote (I never have control of that!!).
Earlier this week, I read about the mustard seed in Mark 4. The man scatters the seed and has absolutely no control over how those seeds grow. He has no control over, nor can he explain, the growth or production of the seeds. The success or the outcome is solely dependent upon God.
Job wrestles with God, questioning Him on the events in his life. His friends attempt to help Job in his pondering and one friend asks this of them all, as he tries to get them to focus on the sovereignty of God:
“Do you know how God controls the storm and causes the lightning to flash from the cloud?” (Job 37:15, NLT)
Understand it? That would be a “No.” I am only grateful when it has not struck too closely.
No matter how much meteorologists can explain the weather, there remains an unpredictability about it because even they, cannot control the weather.
As we struggle, or wrestle, with life and our lack of control, may we come to the place of humbling ourselves to God and submitting to His purposes.
We may not have control but in this I am confident,
We can trust the heart of the One who controls all things.
Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith Filled Friday and Faith ‘N Friends and #DanceWithJesus .
Great post Joanne. My word this year’s trust, and I’m learning to let go of control and trust fully in God.
The two are so intertwined. May God help you to trust Him more as He is completely trustworthy. We know that and yet so often, we push that aside. He truly does know best and does best in our lives. Blessings!
Amen! Surrendering control has been a theme in my life this month, but I’m still working through it.
Control is one of those things that I wonder if it will not be a life long surrender.
In all things there is a purpose! My father-in-law recently fell and broke his back leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. We have to Trust that God is still in control and good will come from this. Great post, Joanne! Thanks for sharing 😉
Oh Mandy, that is just heartbreaking. Praying for him now that God’s peace and comfort would strengthen him. And for you all as you seek to keep your eyes on our God, who alone is able to bring good from this.
Yes, we can trust the One who does have control! Blessings to you, Joanne!
“We can trust the heart of the One who controls all things.” Amen! I love this quote; it is so true.
Last year I experienced so much frustration over situations I could not control, and I finally just had to lay it all down in full surrender to God, Who is able to take care of it all and control it to perfection.
I also was watching a bird on a tree trunk and remembering what God spoke to me a while back (which I had forgotten) how there are more parts of the world than I can even imagine over which God has complete control, and He doesn’t need my help.
Joanne, this is huge! If we learn to truly trust the Lord with our entire lives, we would have such peace in the midst of each storm. Thank you for this great reminder!
Joanne, I think you spoke to something so many of us struggle with, and I’m reminded how often this need to control in my own life plays out negatively. Humility and submission…tough concepts to live out in authentic faith. Thank you for ministering to my heart today! I appreciate you:)