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The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is … Safe. You can click at the bottom of this post to get to Kate Motaung’s site and read all that has been shared on this word.

World events and television have me often wondering how to keep my family safe. In a time when there is much turbulence, unrest, division, and violence, it does not take much for my mind to become anxious over their safety.

In an effort to end my occasional bouts with anxiety, I had to take three steps:

  1. I have had to stop watching TV shows that triggered anxiety.
  2. Put up blinds in our family room. Although our family room faces woods (and has faced those very same woods for the last twenty five years), I finally had my husband put up blinds. Yes, I am serious.
  3. Pray.

It is step three which brings a peace and calm to my mind when anxiety comes knocking on the door. Most times, it is a one word prayer, too, that is the most effective.

“The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.”
(Proverbs 18:10, NLT)


The one word prayer is the one Name that stands above all over names, “Jesus.” The mere mention of His Name, sometimes over and over again, stills my mind in the darkness when my mind would seek to run away from reason.

His Name has not failed me yet and will never fail me. His Name is a strong fortress that offers safety to those who come to Him. In this troubled world, it is only the Lord who can save, and bring safety, and keep us safe.

Earlier this week, I was given a CD and one song has been on repeat since the first time I heard it – “What A Beautiful Name” by Hillsong. As I have listened to it all week, I have realized anew the power which is in the name and person of Jesus. There is none that is His rival or His equal.

“Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:9-11, NLT)

His is the Name above all other names.
The One who keeps us safe.


Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith Filled Friday and Faith ”˜N Friends and #DanceWithJesus and Fresh Market Friday .