“And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14, NLT)
“At the same time the testimony of Jesus Christ is permeating every single people group, the persecution of Christians will dramatically escalate. The church of Jesus Christ in the latter days will doubtless experience the worst times and the best of times. Christ will pour out His Spirit even as the enemy rises up in furious persecution against His Bride.”
(from Voices of the Faithful compiled by Kim P. Davis, page 181)
Today I am joining … Spiritual Sundays and Scripture & a Snapshot and Open Sunday Thoughts .
At the risk of betraying my roots in the 70’s I will say, “Maranatha!”
I see the prophecies coming true in the terrible way Christians are persecuted in the Middle East. They all have targets on their backs. Billy Graham Association called a summit to pray especially for Christians being persecuted in the Middle East – calling it genocide. In the meantime, our world turns a blind eye. All the more reason to get the Good News into the younger generation there so that the world may know His love.
Bev xx
What a true quote. God help us as believers to stand, and also to stand up for the suffering.
Encouraging – yet sobering – on this Pentecost Sunday. May we have the courage and boldness that comes only through the power of the Holy Spirit.