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My love of reading presented a wonderful challenge for me recently – I ended up on the launch teams of three writers whose words bless deeply. So get ready to read about books this week as you truly will not want to miss grabbing a copy of all three. Trust me.

God has blessed me with a son who is a deep thinker, whose heart is equally as deep. Combine that with a an hour commute to work, one way, and you have the makings for some great conversations. Such was the case one morning last week when he called to ask how I was doing and maintaining my focus. My answer came readily, “I read Habakkuk, ” and continued to explain, “I wonder if we ever read Habakkuk from the right perspective.”

He laughed and responded, “Who turns to Habakkuk by choice? And how many even know it’s a book in the Bible?”

Yet time and time again, it is in this short, three chapter book of the Old Testament (see I am helping you locate it!), I find encouragement.

Habakkuk loved God and engaged God in a conversation which questioned His actions:

  • “Why do You allow injustice?”
  • “Why are You tolerating evil?”
  • “What are You going to do about this?”

Habakkuk did not receive the answers he was in search of but instead was called to remain faithful to God and to trust Him, even though greater hardship would be coming.

Enter the book “Daring to Hope” by Katie Davis Majors.

You may remember Katie from her first book, Kisses From Katie, and if not, you will truly want to read this one as well. Katie moved to Uganda and founded a non-profit organization. Daring to Hope is the continuing of the story and more.

Katie shares transparently of her struggle with trusting God:

“At night I often sat alone with my Father and I wept for the suffering that I could not understand or explain or fix. I asked it like Habakkuk, “Why this way, God? Why would you allow it? Isn’t there a better way to show the world your glory?” (from page 81)

It brought me such comfort and assurance to know others also turn to Habakkuk. It was in that chapter, Chapter 8 – Yet I Will Rejoice, the right perspective was revealed:

“While researching for a Bible study on something else, I stumbled across an explanation that Habakkuk’s name is derived from the Hebrew word, “to embrace” and that the name Habakkuk literally means, “He who clings.” Yes. These days full of things that I could not explain or fix were not just my invitation to wait and watch, but my great instruction to cling to the only One who remains constant in all of our circumstances, in both joy and sorrow.” (from page 81)

While the challenges Katie faces and shares may differ from each of ours, our God remains the same. Throughout the book I was reminded to choose to meet with God in the midst of whatever each day may hold in store, for it all comes filtered through the hands of a loving and faithful God.

This book is a must read for everyone and I cannot recommend this one enough. Grab the book, a box of tissues, a pencil, and your Bible and be prepared to meet with God in each chapter. You will find yourself daring to hope and filled with faith. And you will be assured that God is near, God is love, and He will be glorified in and through all things.

Watch the beautiful trailer HERE.
You can find out more about Amazima Ministries HERE.

*** I received an Advanced Reader Copy from the publisher in exchange for my review.


Today I am joining … #DreamTogether and Moments of Hope and Soul Survival and Inspire Me Monday and Booknificent Thursday .