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In a phone conversation with a friend recently, I found myself voicing – once again – my own battle with insecurity. Even as an adult woman, I still struggle with questioning if I measure up, or am good enough. Thankfully, as I grow older, I realize it is a battle, not truth, and fight back with the truth of God’s Word.

As I watch the rapidly changing world around me, I wonder who will my grandchildren admire? More so, who will they emulate?

We can so quickly become like those around us, even Proverbs warns us:

“Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.”
(Proverbs 13:20, NLT)

We know our identity is in Christ and our desire is for our children, and our grandchildren, to develop a self-concept rooted in the truth of who they are in Jesus. This will lay a foundation for the entire lives, developing confidence and assurance as they live out their days.

It is important for us, as parents and grandparents, to be ever growing in our own faith. Our conformity to Jesus needs to be evident to them in our conduct, in our speech, and in our character.

We must take God’s Word into our own hearts and be the authentic models of the truth needed in their lives.

“Put on the new nature, created to be like God – truly righteous and holy.”
(Ephesians 4:24, NLT)

The Holy Spirit begins His work of changing us upon our salvation and continues working in us, day in and day out. We are to be ever becoming more like Jesus. Through the work of the Spirit, Jesus expresses His life in us for those around us to see. The Message words it this way:

“And then take on an entirely new way of life—a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces his character in you.”

As we let the Holy Spirit work in us, our children and grandchildren will see Jesus.
And may they have a God-fashioned life.

Lord, this morning I pray for the spiritual development of my grandchildren. Would You cause a desire for You and Your Word to rise up within their hearts and minds. May they grow to desire to love and serve You alone. May they become conformed to Your ways, reflecting Your love and Your grace to those around you. And may You work in my life, changing me to be more like You, until they see You in me in all that I do and say. It is n Your Name I pray, Amen.

Today I am joining … #ChasingCommunity and Heart Encouragement Thursday and Tune In Thursday .