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My favorite time with children has always been in the car. I know, I know – for many, this is the dreaded part. But in my opinion, and it may only be my opinion, the best of conversations always occur in the car. And the other day was no exception …

I picked Jocelyn up from school and we headed to our appointment. Windows down so she could get fresh air. You may also read this as {Taunt Mimi that a toy “accidentally” fell out}. It was to be a ride, and afternoon, full of conversations as you never know what “a five and three quarter year old” will share with you.

“Mimi, look I killed a bug.”

And yes, she did with her water bottle, smearing bug juice from one end of the partially opened window to the other.

“Just call me the bug killer lady,” she proudly exclaimed as she continued to smear and examine the remains.

“You know, Jocelyn, there’s a name for that. It’s called an exterminator.”

“No, it amen’t. I like bug killer lady better.”

Knowing better than to argue with her, I simply said, “You can be whatever you want, sweetheart. Just stop the smearing.”

Smart girl. You can be whatever you set your mind to be.

“But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel: ā€œFear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.”
(Isaiah 43:1, NKJV)

Later on in the supermarket, she asked to see the lobsters, sharing with me she wanted to one day be “the lobster lady.” Peering into the tank, she asked why they all had rubber bands on their hands. I explained it was so the lobster lady did not get bit by them. “This doesn’t seem like it would be a very safe job,” she remarked back. “But I will just wear gloves when I am a lobster lady.”

Smart girl. Adjust the dream but don’t give up on it.

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” (Galatians 6:9, NKJV)

After the supermarket, we played outside in the yard. Both my granddaughters have been avid fans of our yard and creatures and berries. This afternoon so not to disappoint,ƂĀ  I asked Jocelyn if she would like to see the snake.

At first she stood from a distance as I pointed to its location. It lay coiled in the sun along the side of the house, it’s favorite spot these days. I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the day the landscaper found it šŸ™‚

Jocelyn kept nearing the snake, not displaying any fear, only curiosity as she shared what she observed. It was then she stated, “I could grab that snake with my hands because I am quick and he is sleeping.” She spoke the words fiercely, never giving a thought this might not work out as she was planning.

“Would he bite me?” she asked. Not knowing what to say but thinking she may be ready to attempt a grab, I stated, “He might,” to which she quickly replied, “Then I will wear gloves so I won’t feel anything!”

Smart girl. Always fight fear and be brave.

So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.ā€Ā (Deuteronomy 31:6, NLT)

One afternoon with a little girl.
Three lessons.
May God seal them in her heart and mine!


Today I am joining … Porch Stories and Coffee For Your Heart and Woman to Woman and Recharge Wednesday .