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Are you praying for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding from God’s Word?

When chronic illness struck Tammy Mashburn, she quickly discovered she needed to grow more deeply in her relationship with God. From her own journey, she has written Mornings In The Word, a 31 day devotional sure to encourage others in their own journey.

Each day’s reading is short, includes insightful thoughts and Scriptures to apply to one’s life. The journal questions are thought provoking, causing one to delve deeper into God’s Word.

As a former marathon runner, Tammy writes authentically and transparently of the chronic pain and the everyday difficulties which she has faced. Her own journey brings encouragement and hope for us all to run our races and run them well.

A few of my favorite thoughts from the book are:

  • “Lingering in His Word gives me a taste of the life that is to come, eternity with Almighty God. I love Him. I want Him. I want to bear fruit for His Kingdom.” (page 18)
  • “Cling to faith in the unanswered prayers, and we celebrate the small, everyday, ordinary things.” (page 31)
  • “What matters is that I, that you, are following Jesus and serving Him with a heart of surrendered obedience and doing the next thing.” (page 57)
  • “He breathes life into our dry and dusty places. Our brokenness. He gives life in the unholy hard.” (page 76)

This book is filled with encouragement for those facing challenges. But more so, it is for all of us who desire to honestly express our inner feelings and go deeper with Christ.

*While this is a book review, I purchased and read this one on my own, for myself and was not asked to give a review.

You can connect with Tammy on her blog, where she graces her readers several times a week with her words of encouragement –

She can also be found on Twitter.



Today I am joining … Moments of Hope and Tune In Thursday and Booknificent Thursday .