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“The Holy Spirit said to Philip, “Go over and walk along beside the carriage.”
(Acts 8:29, NLT)

Such a simple direction to receive. Philip obeyed and seized the opportunity to share his faith with the eunich. But Philip had to receive directions from the Lord and follow through on what he had been told.

“Divine work must be divinely initiated. A worker may be called directly by the spirit, or indirectly through the reading of the Word, through preaching, or through circumstances; but whatever the means God uses to make known His will to a man, His must be the Voice heard through every other voice.”

(from Tables in the Wilderness by Watchman Nee, June 26)

It was probably not an accident for the eunich to be found reading from a scroll of Isaiah. Through the reading of those very Scriptures, God was preparing his heart to hear from Philip of the very fulfillment of those Scriptures through Christ.

Philip could not have realized, even in the moment of his obedience, how he would be used in the life of this man. He probably found it odd to be told to do such a thing. Who would just approach and walk alongside a carriage carrying a royal official surrounded by servants.

The Holy Spirit instructed him to go and walk alongside that particular chariot and stay with it. Keep on walking with him.

There are times we are led to do something beyond our understanding. We want to know all the details and figure out how it will work out. We want to know the plan in its entirety.

Often the Lord gives us just enough information to take the first step, then the second, and then another. In our obedience, He gives us His plan, piece by piece.

As we live each day by the guidance of God,
He lets us know where, and when, and what we are to do.

“Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.” (Galatians 5:25, NLT)

“While it is true we must never be independent of the other members of the Body, let us never forget also that it is from the Head that all our direction comes.”
(Watchman Nee)

What guidance is He giving you today?
Listen for His voice above every other voice.