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Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is ā€¦ Woman.

There truly could be no better word prompt for our family than this one. It took a few minutes for me to pick my dropped jaw up from the floor this morning.

“Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib …” (Genesis 2:22a, NLT).

Earlier this week, our third granddaughter came into this world. A true wonder. Over a week late. And a little “woman”.

One might say, “She’s already becoming a Wonder Woman.”

Wonder Woman – she was a fictional superhero who first appeared in DC Comics. She is the founder of The Justice League, a team of superheroes who fight crime and seek to maintain peace and order. When you grow up with a dad who loves comics, you tend to know these facts. This was why the TV program was a favorite in our house.

Wonder Woman was sculpted from clay by her mother much the way God formed the first woman from a rib of man, already formed, and the dust of the earth.

Created by psychologist, William Marston, she was to be a woman little girls would want to emulate. He wanted a character with all the strength of a man yet with all the qualities a good and beautiful woman should possess.

Wonder Woman has been loved by many for her beauty, for her strength, and for her love of humanity. She is strong-willed – knowing what needs to be accomplished and not backing down until it is done. She is a lover of peace but will fight for people, for a cause, for justice. But she was also created to be the nurturer of The Justice League, molding it to be all it could.

She’s a warrior woman yet an ambassador of people.

With that said, Eliza Diana, whom I once called “Wonder Baby” while yet in the womb, may you truly grow up to be a Wonder Woman. A woman who will fight for justice, defend the weak and the forgotten. May you be a woman of God-given strength yet have a tender and compassionate heart. May you be fierce yet a woman who will support and encourage those around you. May you be a woman who loves God above all else and then His people.

May you be a true Wonder Woman
may there be a little of Wonder Woman in us all!


Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith On Fire and Fresh Market FridayƂĀ and Faith ā€ĖœN FriendsƂĀ  .