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“So where does this leave the philosophers, the scholars, and the world’s brilliant debaters? God has made the wisdom of this world look foolish.” (1 Corinthians 1:20, NLT)

“People have the wisdom of the world at their fingertips.

But having easy access to all of that hasn’t seemed to make people all that much smarter. They still flounder in their foolishness and get caught up in their chaos.

If you go to Jesus, you will find answers. If you study His life, you will see the order of your chaos. If you accept His grace, you will find who you were meant to be.

A seeming fool to the world. But, in reality, a wise woman (or man) of God.

Prayer: God, if Your story is considered foolishness to the world, then let me be a fool, too. Amen.”

(taken from Daily Wisdom for Women, 2018 Devotional Collection,
August 23)

Today I am joining … Spiritual Sundays and Scripture & a Snapshot and Selah .