Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … Praise.
Praise – “the act of expressing admiration; paying homage in word or song; laudation” (dictionary.com).
“Be not afraid of saying too much in the praises of God; all the danger is of saying too little.” ~ Matthew Henry
Praise to God will stem from a heart that overflows with devotion, gratitude, and love for God. In Psalm 103, David reminds his own soul to praise the Lord:
“Let all that I am praise the Lord, with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me.” (verses 1-2, NLT)
And there is much for us to praise God for:
- Forgiveness of sins (verse 3)
- Heals all our diseases (verse 3)
- He redeems us from death (verse 4)
- Crowns us with love and tender mercies (verse 4)
- He fills our lives with good things (verse 5)
- Renews our youth (verse 5)
May we maintain our focus on God for as we do, we will notice His activity in our life every day. As our hearts take notice, praise will rise up in our hearts for He alone is worthy.
Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith On Fire and Fresh Market Friday and Faith ‘N Friends .
Visiting from Fresh Market Friday. I needed this reminder this morning. This is an area I need to work at more, it is so much easier to grumble or complain. The Lord has done so many great things for us. I want my heart to be overflowing with thankfulness and praise. Thank you for sharing this!
Cheryl, I would agree grumbling comes easier to most. But as we praise and give thanks, we can develop a habit of thanksgiving. May our hearts overflow!
A beautiful reminder of all we can praise God for each day. I want to maintain my focus on HIm.
Me too!
Amen! Last year reading a devotional based on The Lord’s Prayer by She Reads Truth, I began to understand more the power of praise! God deserves it, and it changes our outlook totally. Great words today!
It is amazing the effect it has on us. Our situations may not change, but praise changes us.
Yes, we do have so much to praise God for!
Reading your message this morning, I started singing the song, “Praise Him, Praise Him, all ye little children, God is love, God is love…” Thank you for the beautiful reminder to praise Him every day. 🙂
Wonderful post. Visiting from FMF #32.
Amen! So much to praise God for!
Living lives of praise is so important! Thank you for the reminder today. ♥
Yes, so much to praise Him for…..forgiveness of sins and mercies new every morning!!
I’m so blessed, in spite of some small niggling things like pancreatic cancer, that I can’t hardly NOT praise him.
Uh…yeah, that works. The “can’t” and “not” are a double negative, making a positive! 🙂
Your double negative makes a positive and you surely give praise constantly in the midst of the hardest of days. Blessings!
Psalm 103 is my favorite, Joanne. You’re right … praise leads to more praise. Like compounding interest, only better. 🙂
Love it, Lois!