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I’m a question sort of person, constantly asking questions in my head. I am not always seeking a quick answer, but find merely the asking of a question causes me to think more deeply.

The question I am most fond of is: “What if … ?”.

Most often “What if ..” can set ones heart into a panic but for about two weeks now, Psalm 124 has been before me and it also asks the question:

“What if the Lord had not been on our side?”

It asks not once but twice in a short eight verses, a repetition demanding our attention.

“What if the Lord had not been on our side?”

The answer is quite simple – we would not have survived. We would have gone down for the count. We would have been destroyed when people speak ill of us, when anger is spewed on us, when circumstances overwhelm us, when we feel cornered, rejected, abandoned, or unloved.

Or perhaps its when relationships fail us; when the checkbook runs out of funds; when the refrigerator is empty; when our dream job suddenly comes to an end; or when illness strikes.

But the psalmist, David, is not asking the question because anxiety is great within him. In fact, I see his faith and a call to also ask the question; for in the asking our faith will be built up.

David tells us in the psalm what could have happened, but did not, because the Lord was on the side of His people. He states the “what if” scenarios to remind us not of the difficulties but to shift our hearts to remember …

The Lord was indeed with us and on our side.

“Praise the Lord …  Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”
(verse 8, NLT)

We can look at our present difficulties, those challenging days, and remind our souls of the greatness and power of our God. It is out of our hard days that we develop a faith to stand firm in the promise of His help.

“It is the help we experience, not the hazards we risk, that shapes our days.” (Eugene Peterson)

The Lord was indeed with us and on our side in days past and
He will surely be with us and on our side today.


Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Faith On Fire and Fresh Market Friday and Faith ”˜N Friends  .