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Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … Reward.

The Scripture came to mind as soon as I read the prompt. However, this time I sat looking at it for a long time.

It’s familiar to me but I felt like I was to focus on something that perhaps, I had overlooked in the past, or perhaps, forgotten.

“And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.”
(Hebrews 11:6, NLT)

A reward is typically received for outstanding merit or achievement. This verse tells me that without faith, it is impossible to please God. Faith is necessary.

We must believe that God exists and hears our prayers. In difficult times we are challenged to trust in God; waiting on Him to fulfill His promises can become a struggle.

As I sat looking at the verse, pulling out older Bibles to see if I had made any notes on the verse (I had none), my heart swelled as the thought entered my mind …

God has never expected or demanded perfection of me.
He has only longed for me to sincerely seek Him.

We (read I) make faith so difficult, when God simplifies it for us. His desire is for us to trust in His Word, to act on it even when circumstances are difficult. We seek Him during those times, obeying His principles, and trusting Him with the outcome.

“For the law never made anything perfect. But now we have confidence in a better hope, through which we draw near to God.” (Hebrews 7:19, NLT)

I continue to see how Jesus has brought to us an upside-down kingdom. This world conveys rewards for perfection, while Jesus rewards us even in our imperfection and stumbling, for He is our reward.

He rewards us not for doing it in perfection,
but for seeking Him in our imperfection.