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Whispers and Wildflowers continued to water my soul …


We will either set our mind on the flesh or on the Spirit. The choice is ours every day. In Romans 8:5-6, Paul reminds us us to live a Spirit-led life.

“We have to be vigilant and intentional about setting our minds on the Spirit.” (from page 169)

Vigilant. Intentional.

Vigilant –> “keenly watchful to detect danger; ever awake and alert.”
Intentional –> “done with purpose”
(both from

Living this way will require us to free up space in our day to lean into the Lord and listen, letting Him guide us. We will need to quiet the other noise and distractions for some carved out quiet time with His Word.


“As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.” (Psalm 42:1, NLT)

Soul-thirst. The author defines this as “the feeling of needing something we can’t define” (page 142).

We want to remember to run to the Lord when we feel dry and thirsty. We forget this, or often think something other than Him will fill us.

And that is where our problem comes in. We will seek to define what it is we need and if we aren’t careful, we will turn to something or someone other than God.

The woman at the well (in John 4:1-26) is such a familiar story, but the author shared this powerful insight:

“The answer to her deep soul-thirst was right in front of her, and she didn’t realize it. And it makes me think about how many times the answer to our own soul-thirst, Jesus, is right in front of or right with us and we don’t even realize it.” (from page 184)

May God help us to remember that He is the Only One who can truly quench our thirst.


“So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.” (Colossians 2:10, NLT)

We are made complete through our union with Christ, and this will require spending time alone just Him and us. Alone.

Carving out time can be hard. I can well remember when I finally realized that I had to get up earlier than everyone if I was going to be able to spend time in Scripture. Then it was while I was in the carpool lane waiting for school to let out. Both became precious and meaningful times for me. And now, with an empty house, it is usually in the mornings again.

The beauty of alone time with God and His Word is that it can be any time. He doesn’t care when or where. He is never inconvenienced and will always show up.

Make space in your life for those quiet God and you moments.
Let Him quench your thirst and speak into your life.


Photo by Hugo Barbosa on Unsplash
Photo by Kobu Agency on Unsplash

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