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It may have been the very first verse we memorized in Sunday School. The words are so ingrained in my memory, it comes back in The King James Version:

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

The familiar words have been in my thoughts for days now, and the question I have been pondering is, “Why?” What is it I needed to see, or perhaps grasp anew?

The thoughts came quick and furious one morning, like a progression of dots which became connected:

If God created the world and all that is in it … and He did …
And if God so loved the world … and He does …
Then God loves me.

But I already knew and believed this to be true. So what is it I need to see, or perhaps come to understand more fully? In asking the question repeatedly, the answer finally hit home:

If God loves me (and He does),
and if God created and formed me in my mother’s womb (and He did),
then there has not been a single day of my life where I have been unloved.

It’s been sinking in and stirring my heart for days. God loves us through every day of our lives. The ups and downs. The failures and successes. Whether we have done good or not. Even when He has not been in a single thought of our day.

God still loves us.

Love is part of the very being and nature of God. As we respond to His love, we will also grow in our love and fellowship with God.

Some days we need to return to the first foundational truths we have been taught:

God is love and
He loves us every day of our lives.


Photo by Sara Riaño on Unsplash
Today I am joining .. Woman to Woman and Recharge Wednesday and Let’s Have Coffee .