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Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … Willing.

My Bible dictionary tells me “willing” means “to be inclined or favorably disposed in mind; accepted by choice or without reluctance.”

The second definition grabs my thoughts this morning as I remember David’s charge to his son, Solomon, as he prepares to turn over his throne.

“And Solomon, my son, learn to know the God of your ancestors intimately. Worship and serve him with your whole heart and a willing mind. For the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan and thought. If you seek him, you will find him. But if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.” (1 Chronicles 28:9, NLT)

David, as a father, did not praise his son for his achievements, for his character, nor for being God’s choice as his successor.

In speaking with his son, he reminded him of the importance of his relationship with God. In so doing, he left us with an example of how to pray for ourselves, and future generations:

  • Know the God of your ancestors intimately. Don’t be quick to look past the traditions of faith which are passed down. They are important to knowing God.
  • Worship and serve God with your whole heart. God is looking for a heart fully committed to Him alone.
  • Have a willing mind. Both our hearts and minds need to be committed and willing. May we follow through on the leading of the Lord and not lean on our own understanding of situations.

We can not be certain of the path our children and grandchildren will take in life. We have a responsibility to pray and share our faith with them and trust God to do a complete work in their lives.

The one thing I know for certain is:

“If you seek Him, you will find Him.”
This is God’s promise.