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This past week was the start of a new Hello Mornings Bible Study – “God. Move. Plan”.

“Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.” (Psalm 143:8, NLT)

If we don’t already have a good reason for meeting with God each day, this verse certainly gives us one.

As we connect with God each morning, two things occur:

  1. He causes us to hear His voice and of His unfailing love. He reminds of who He is and of the reliability of His deep love for us.
  2. He shows us where to walk. When we are uncertain of our day, and of our plans, He gives us directions.

This verse also tells us, we need to do two things for this to occur:

  1. We must trust Him.
  2. We must give ourselves to Him.

The One who created all things, waits to meet and connect with the ones He created!

What keeps you from connecting with God each morning? His mercies towards each of us are new every morning. A fresh supply is waiting for us today!


In Matthew 11:27-30, we found Jesus talking about burdens, rest and yokes. Let’s look at each of these real quick:

  • Burdens. As we have a circumstance or concern weighing on our hearts, we quickly discover our self-sufficiency will fail us. We need Jesus. Our burdens are too much for us to handle on our own.
  • Rest. These burdens will drain and deplete us of all our energy. But Jesus will give us the gift of unmatchable rest – a rest that is deep and full and a relief.
  • Yoke. This harness joins us to Jesus. His yoke helps us to keep step, and in tune, with Jesus. It is fitted to us and is never cumbersome.

We need Jesus – to teach us – how to handle the demands of our days. Apart from Him, they will overpower and overtake our day.

How can taking on Jesus’ yoke each day change your day?


“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” (Psalm 91:1, NLT)

We closed the week with reading Psalm 91:1-4, 9-10, 14-16.

Plain and simple – we need protection. May we never underestimate the battle which swirls around our lives. But we need not fear for our Lord offers His protection – faithfully.

God is our refuge. He alone rescues and protects. This is not to say we will never face difficulties, for we surely do and will.

It is to say that we have been promised the blessing of His Presence with us. We come through the difficulty, the loss, the pain with the assurance and comfort that He was with us every step of the way.

It is in Him that we find refuge. In Him, we can stand firm and not be tossed about by our emotions and experiences.

When a battle comes against us, we are to: “Call on Him.”


As we meet with Him each morning,
yoking ourselves with Jesus,
we find rest and refuge.



Photo 1: by Ana Cernivec on Unsplash
Photo 2: by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

Today I am joining … Tell His Story and  Grace Full Tuesday and InstaEncouragements and Purposeful Faith .