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It is the forty day span which comes before Easter. It’s a time of reflection and preparation for Easter. While my family did not celebrate Lent, forty days to reflect on the ministry, life, and death of Christ is most beneficial to our lives. We need to remember the completed work of the Cross.

Journey to the Cross by Mary Carver and the (in)Courage Community is a forty day devotional intended to take us on just that – a journey to the Cross.

The book brings to us forty days of devotions, each day different. There are reflections, questions, quotes, and illustrations. Each one is designed to make one think more deeply and reflect on what God is wanting to teach.

We need times of slowing down, regaining focus, and remembering Christ.

“Not only is Jesus our goal when we set aside time for Him, He is our solution for fighting through all the distractions & temptations that work so hard to keep us away.”

In Journey to the Cross, we find ourselves reminded to enjoy and find God in His handiwork of creation all around us:

“Thank God for all the big and small ways His creation breaks the monotony of my everyday and reminds me just how big this world is (and how He is infinitely bigger than that).”

As the journey continues, we come to realize we will never be able to fully comprehend and understand all there is to know about God and His ways. We will always have more to learn.

“No matter how long we’ve known the Lord, we still have so much to learn and so many ways to grow.”

The book is a beautiful hardcover filled with Scripture and truths to turn our thoughts to the Cross and the resurrection of Christ. This is a devotional that will surely make the journey a deep, reflective and blessed one, which will bring you to pray:

“Thank You, God – for loving me and forgiving me and ultimately, conquering sin and death for me. Thank you for everything. I love You.


(from the closing prayer)


**I was provided a copy of this book by B&H Publishing/Lifeway.  All opinions are honest and my own.  This post contains affiliate links.  If you click through and make a purchase, I will receive a small percent at no additional cost to you.

Today I am joining … Recharge Wednesday and Woman to Woman and Booknificent Thursday .