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It’s funny the places our thoughts may go as they wander during the middle of the night.

It had been a rough day with sleeplessness for our youngest eighteen month old granddaughter. Having not had a nap, we thought, surely, she will sleep earlier, longer, and better that night. She proved us wrong and round about 4AM, I knew her mom needed a break as she had to go to work in the morning.

Getting up from bed, I whispered through the crack in the door, “Do you want me to take her?”

This was how I found myself on the couch in the family room with a toddler on top of me. Gentle rocking, stroking of the head, and many, many rounds of “Jesus Loves Me” and her body relaxed, her arms went limp, and sleep came.

Pulling the nearby blanket up and over the two of us, I too, hoped to sleep. But my mind had other things in mind …

  • “I wonder how many other women are up with toddlers tonight?”
  • “I forgot how sweet the sound of a sleeping baby breathing can be.”
  • “It’s the best feeling in the world to hold a little one and know they found peace in your embrace.”

My little one would never know, nor remember, who held her that one night as sleep eluded her. She did not wake up in the morning and tell me “Thank you!”, “You did a wonderful job rocking me!”, or “You sing beautifully!”

But she did open her eyes in the morning and groggily look up at me and smile. She put her head back down and lay there for a few minutes in the comfort and sunlight, knowing she was safe and loved.


Won’t you join me at Woman to Woman Ministries HERE as I share the two thoughts the night brought.



Image by Waltteri Paulaharju from Pixabay
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