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Having read, and greatly enjoyed, Lighthouse Faith by Lauren Green, a Fox News Religion Correspondent, I jumped at the opportunity to read True Calling by Paula Faris, an ABC news reporter and former co-host of The View.

Called Out is the personal and transparent story of the author’s struggle with her work and her calling. The struggle nearly cost her the very things which mattered most to her.

The book is a wonderful and timely reminder that “God has a way of interrupting unhealthy lifestyles” (from page 22). He might even use the book to bring you to the point of wanting more alignment between who you say you are and what you do.

We hear about living with purpose all around us, but never pause to consider what does that truly mean in our daily lives. The author defines faith calling:

“Your faith calling describes who you are. It should serve as the foundation for everything you do. It should affect the way you interact with people, the way you parent, the way you relate to your spouse, and the way you pursue your vocational calling. Everything should flow from your faith calling.” (from page 37)

The book is rich with experiences and people stories from the author’s interactions in her career and personal life. Intertwined with those stories, the author brings her own insights, like this one on busyness:

“Our worth doesn’t come from busyness, form all the things we do, not even the things we do for Jesus. Jesus is more concerned about whether we are living him with our whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. That’s where he wants us to find our worth, our identity. And when we’re rooted in that identity, we can share the truth of God’s love with the world around us. But when we lose sight of this truth, when we find our identity in what we do, we’ll find ourselves mired in anxiety, fear, and worry.” (from page 133)

The book was most enjoyable and thought provoking as it closes powerfully with this:

“At the end of your life … God will ask a simple question: Did you know you were loved, and did you use your gifts to spread my love to the world around you? And if you answer, “I did my best, Lord,” it’s my guess you’ll hear the best words.

Well done, good and faithful one.”

This is a wonderful read, but especially for those reflecting on what it means to be called, how to push past fears, and how to discover God’s path for one’s life. It is a book for everyone of us.


**I received this book from Bethany House Publishers. The opinions I have expressed are my own. This post contains affiliate links.  If you click through and make a purchase, I will receive a small percent at no additional cost to you.

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