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Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. The prompt this week is … Now.

Now, in this present time and moment.

Life has quickly changed and continues to change at a rapidly each day. Now many of us are having to stay at home other than for necessary trips to the grocery store or pharmacy.

Now many children are doing school remotely. Dance, music, and exercise classes are held online these days. On Sundays, our church services are held in Facebook groups, thanks to the use of technology. Bible Study and prayer meetings are occurring through the use of Zoom and other platforms.

During those times of venturing out, we now wear protective gloves and face masks. We carry hand sanitizer everywhere and disinfectant sprays to keep ourselves safe.

Now we are thinking about the safety of others before ourselves. Now we are praying earnestly for the needs we see and hear. Now we are reaching out to people in other parts of the country and even outside our country. Now is the time to show compassion on each one around us.

And now is the time to worship.
To worship the One who is able to keep us, to heal us, to provide for us,
to save us.

“Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our maker, for he is our God. We are the people he watches over, the flock under his care.”
(Psalm 95:6-7, NLT)


Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith On Fire and Grace & Truth .