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I have all that I need.” (Psalm 23:1, NLT)

As we continue into this psalm, we find David making a pretty bold statement in the middle of adversity, “I have all that I need” or in the more familiar, “I shall not want.”

How is he able to say that?

To do so, we need to have a balanced view of our relationship with Christ and be rooted in the Word of God. David’s statement reveals three things:

  • Contentment. He was able to be content because he knew his life was in the hands of the One who could, and would, care for him best.
  • Confidence. David was confident in the deep love his Shepherd had for him. David knew the Shepherd would never neglect him, nor view helping him as in inconvenience.
  • Control. David knew every detail of his life lay in the control of his Shepherd. There was nothing that could happen or be given to him which was out of the control of God.

Each one of us, as God’s sheep, are precious to Him. He knows we are vulnerable, defenseless, and in lack. I hope you will join me at Woman to Woman Ministries HERE as we look at the benefit of staying under the care of our Shepherd.


Photo by Adrian Infernus on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Inspire Me Monday and Remember Me Monday .