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We started off last week with reading in Matthew 17. There we find the story of the father who brings his son to Jesus for healing because the disciples could not.

We all have been given gifts by which we are able to bless others. The Holy Spirit enables each of us to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our personal circles of influence.

As others leave our company, will they be blessed and encouraged by the time spent with us? It really is something to think on each day.

The devotional asks: Are there any opportunities during this day where you can foresee having an opportunity to be a demonstration of the Spirit’s power and presence to others? Ask the Lord to give you the faith and courage to follow through.

Prayer: Lord, today we ask for willing hearts, and our eyes to be open, as You give us opportunities to encourage and bless others. Amen.


It was good to read about Paul’s stormy adventure in Acts 27. This year of 2020 has been quite stormy with various tensions, COVID, unrest, political differences, and an election yet to come. It’s a year unlike any other in my lifetime.

May we find ourselves reminded that God plans are not derailed by any of this. In fact, in the midst of it all, we are right where we are supposed to be. Where we find ourselves today is right where God wants to use us.

“Pray that He would make you sensitive enough, discerning enough, and interested in other people enough to sense when He is moving you into position to be a caring solution to their need.” (from Awaken, page 280)

The devotional asks these questions: Where is an unlikely place that a personal storm has taken you? What were some of the potential touch points it provided you into the lives of others?

“Even if I am being poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and share my joy with you all.” (Philippians 2:17)

Being poured out for the sake of others can be challenging, difficult, and sometimes painful.

I found myself asking this question: What do we do when where we end up is NOT where we want to be?

The answer? Where we find ourselves today is exactly where God intends, so we will be used by Him in the lives of those around us.


In John 20, we are told Mary came to the tomb in the dark, while it still dark, enveloped in the darkness. And yet, it was there she heard her name called, turned and saw Jesus.

Jesus, the Light of the world. He will always, always overcome the darkness. He will always bring the light into our lives and our situations.

Let these words from the devotional really sink in:

“Eyes on Jesus” is the Bible’s proven antidote to growing weary, to losing heart, to giving up, to going down.” (from Awaken, page 288)

Where do you usually look when you’re at the lowest points in life? What can you do to “turn to Jesus” in a practical way today?

I’ll leave you today with this song that I’ve been listening to for a few days:

With our hearts willing,
and our eyes on Jesus,

we can discover God’s purposes in the midst of the storm.


Photo 1: by Andrea Tummons on Unsplash
Photo 2: by Zach Reiner on Unsplash

Today I am joining … Tell His Story and Purposeful Faith and InstaEncouragements .