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“I will live in the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23:6b, NLT)

“Here is a sheep so utterly satisfied with its lot in life, so fully contented with the care it receives, so much “at home: with the shepherd that there is not a shred of desire for a change.”

(from A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller, page 136)

As we live our days in the care of our Shepherd, a relationship develops that brings both us (the sheep) and the Shepherd such joy neither would desire to leave the company of the other.

Fully content and at peace, we can look back over the years in His care and recognize how perfect His care, provision, and protection has been over our lives.

On the subject of a successful Christian walk, Phillip Keller sums it up in one sentence so beautifully:

“Live ever aware of God’s presence.”


Won’t you join me at Woman to Woman Ministries HERE as we complete our look at this familiar psalm.


Photo by Sam Barber on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Inspire Me Monday and Remember Me Monday .