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Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. The prompt this week is ā€¦ Present.

It’s that time of year where we all are thinking of presents. The one where a gift is wrapped in beautiful paper perhaps tied with ribbons and a big bow on top.

But then the word stirred more.

Present –

Existing now. In this moment. At this very time.

I want to be present with those around me ā€ā€œ my family and friends ā€ā€œ I want to be present. As they are talking to me, I don’t want my mind to be drifting to another place, another time. I want to be here. Now. I want to give them my full attention for they are worth it. I want to be able to take note of what they are sharing because it is important to them if they are expressing it to me. I want to be present.

But there is more to it.

I want to be present for me. Selfish perhaps, but it is true. I want to be present in that moment of sharing because I do not want to miss the opportunity to be in relationship with them. I want the richness of their friendship, of the intimacy. The words spoken will link us together forever in this present moment. Bonds will be forged and strengthened, if I am present in that moment.

There truly is no other point in time like the present, and it is but a fleeting moment in time. Never to be recaptured. Never to be experienced. Isnā€™t that why James wrote:

“How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fogā€ā€itā€™s here a little while, then itā€™s gone.ā€Ā (James 4:14 NLT)

James knew life was precious, and was to be lived in the present. So when I am there, I want to be fully present. For them. For me. Forever. Perhaps that is why they say, ā€œThere is no time like the present.ā€Ā

It is the only time we truly have.


Image by JƃĀ¶rg Peter from Pixabay
Today I am joining ā€¦ Five Minute Friday and Faith On Fire and Grace & Truth .