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Life has been challenging for most this past year; many would even call it difficult. Every aspect of our daily lives has in some way been affected and altered.

As women we are facing many emotions in managing our homes, our children, our jobs, and ourselves. But right there in the middle of the Old Testament book of Judges, we can find hope and take strength.

The people of Israel were constantly waging battle as they were oppressed by the kings and peoples of other nations. In the middle of one such battle, we encounter Deborah, a woman.

Deborah was a prophetess and a judge who encouraged a general (Barak) of the Israelite army. One would think as a commander, he would have had all the know-how and strength needed for battle. Yet it was Deborah who spoke and commanded Barak how to move forward in one battle which brought victory.

n her own song Deborah states what had occurred:

Villagers in Israel would not fight; they held back until I, Deborah, arose, until I arose, a mother in Israel.” (Judges 5:7, NIV)

It was when she spoke words of encouragement and instruction that Barak invited her to go into battle along with him. He may have had the stamina and the will to fight, yet he needed her words to gain the courage to go into battle.


What can we learn from Deborah? I hope you will join me at Woman to Woman Ministries HERE as I share some thoughts from this Old Testament story.


Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Inspire Me Monday and Remember Me Monday .