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“But My righteous one shall live by faith …” (Hebrews 10:38, NASB)

“Often our feelings and emotions are mistakenly substituted for faith …

In all of the various experiences, we are to rely on the indwelling of Christ in our hearts, regardless of our feelings, as we walk obediently before Him. And this is where many Christians get into trouble. They try to walk by feelings rather than by faith …

Trust God’s Word and His power more than you trust your own feelings and experiences … (Samuel Rutherford)

When I cannot feel the faith of assurance, I live by the fact of God’s faithfulness. (Matthew Henry)

(from Streams in the Desert by L. B. Cowman, March 10)


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Scripture & a Snapshot and Sunday Scripture Blessings and Selah .