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Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … Middle.

The middle is not the most comfortable place to be. It feels like being neither here nor there.

God told His people to go to the middle:

Take up for yourselves twelve stones from here out of the middle of the Jordan, from the place where the priests’ feet are standing firm, and carry them over with you and lay them down in the lodging place where you will lodge tonight.” (Joshua 4:3, NASB)

The stones from the middle of the Jordan River, stones of remembrance, were to be set up in a memorial.

It is in the middle of  hard circumstances that our God shows up, working His grace and mercy. He parts open the most impossible situation, breaking them apart in the middle, and we get a glimpse of His Presence there with us.

It is in the middle that we collect those stones of remembrance. We pile them up in our hearts and minds so we never forget the deeds of the Lord our God.

We pile the stones and the remembrances so when our children ask, we can respond, “He did this:

“so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty, so that you may fear the Lord your God forever.” (Joshua 4:24, NASB)

The middle –
the place we remember that
God showed up, working His grace and mercy.


Photo by Jeppe Hove Jensen on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith On Fire and Grace & Truth .