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There is no way one can ever know, at the beginning of the year, the impact of one word. I continue to be amazed how my word, Prevail, continues to weave its way deeply into my heart and mind.

I am not sure when I saw, on Twitter, the book recommended by Pastor Jim Cymbala. But something told me if he were learning from the book and suggesting it, I should read it as well.

The Path of Prayer (by Samuel Chadwick) has been both a quick and slow read for me. Quick in that, my first time through took about an hour, for it is a small book of ninety pages. Slow because I am now taking my time, reading one chapter a week and absorbing the lessons to be learned.

And the word “Prevail” appears time and time again, bringing with it powerful truths by which to cling:

“All true prayer, the prayer that prevails, is personal, intimate and original.”

“He [Jesus] is represented as taking our prayers and adding to them of the fire of the altar that makes them prevail.”

“The Holy Spirit searches the deep things of God. He takes the things of Christ and reveals them to us. God knows the mind of the Spirit; we pray in the Spirit, instructed and inspired by Him, and He makes intercession for us in wordless intercession. That is the New Testament explanation of prayer that prevails.”

“Intensity is a law of prayer. God is found of those who seek Him with all their heart. Wrestling prayer prevails.”

“Prevailing prayer makes men invincible.”

“There is power in the praying that prevails … There is no power like that of prevailing prayer.”

And then this week, brought a lesson from Nehemiah. Nehemiah who was called to build a wall and restore a city. Nehemiah who did ordinary work, day in and day out. His work prospered because he prayed.

“So he [Nehemiah] prayed and he trusted; so he worked and so he prevailed.”

(The Path of Prayer by Samuel Chadwick, page 65)

There are days we may think our work is unimportant, or will not make a difference. But may we be like Nehemiah  – trusting God has placed us exactly where He will be able to use us.






Today I am joining … One Word 2021 .